The Real Barack Obama
I’ve written a couple of posts that were critical of Hillary Clinton. Had I known the real threat was a newly elected U.S. Senator from Chicago I would have gone a little easier on Hillary. She appears to be the lesser of the two evils.
There are many reasons why we shouldn’t vote for Barack Obama, but the media has failed to cover them. Then there are the rumors that have been circulated on the internet that seem to make people oblivious to the real threat that Obama poses. I’m talking about the rumor like he was sworn in on the Koran. There was a Congressman sworn in on the Koran but it wasn’t Obama. The Congressman was a Muslim from Minnesota and he was sworn in on Thomas Jefferson’s copy of the Koran.
What astounds me is how Obama has become such a media darling. He’s never been asked to explain how he plans to accomplish any of the things he promises to do. He wants to bring the troops home from Iraq and provide free health care. How does he intend to do it? When Obama is criticized for not explaining his policies then his critic is labeled as a bigot. Simply because Obama is something other than a pure white male he’s become untouchable. Obama is a monster created by the media, but you don’t hear them asking how he plans to lower taxes for 95% of Americans while providing free health care to everyone. These were two things that Obama said he would do if elected as President. He said them in his acceptance speech.
When Obama finally addressed the high cost of gasoline his plan was to simply “inflate your tires”. This marvelous piece of advice is coming from a man running for the most powerful job in the world. Obviously, his handlers didn’t approve of that. They’ve done so well with him and his carefully scripted career that there’s no way they would have sent him out in public to address the gasoline crisis armed only with “inflate your tires”. Is this the wisdom we should expect from an Obama presidency?
Health care is expensive. How will he fund that? The only way that he can fund it is by increasing revenue for the government. The only way that Democrats know how to do that is by raising taxes and cutting the military. So, we’re looking at the possibility of another Vietnam aftermath. We’re possibly facing higher taxes & inflation combined with a homeless vet problem. It’s no wonder that McCain keeps comparing Obama’s plan to the Carter years.
Why don’t we know anything about Obama’s history? What qualifies this man to be our president? Most of our past Presidents had lengthy careers as governors and Senators before even running for the Presidency. Not Obama. In fact, Obama was a state Senator from Chicago for 11 years before he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004. That’s right, the man is still on his first term as a U.S. Senator. What’s even more surprising is that he didn’t really have to campaign to launch his political career in Chicago. Instead, it was through legal maneuvering that he had everybody else kicked off of the ballot so that he was the only option for the voters. That’s how it’s done in Chicago.
Obama has been so “lucky” during his political career that he’s never really had to engage a real political opponent for an election. That sort of explains why Obama looks so out of place during unscripted appearances.
Chicago politics have long been known as possibly the most corrupt in the nation. Recently, several Chicago politicians have been indicted by the Federal government for corruption and other crimes. This is the political machine that spawned Barack Obama. The very same man that now gives us “hope” for “change that you can believe in”. As a U.S. Senator what “change” has Obama initiated in his hometown of Chicago? What has he done to try to clean up Chicago politics? Absolutely nothing. In fact, Obama has been linked to several of the people that have been indicted. Will an Obama presidency resemble a Clinton presidency with criminal investigations and legal wrangling? Obama has demonstrated nothing about initiating change and if you believe what he says in his own book, “change” is what he would switch the topic to when he was approached about a difficult topic he knew very little about while attending Harvard. Obama apparently hasn’t learned much since his college days. While a U.S. Senator Obama has had the opportunity to vote against earmarks on numerous occasions. More often than not he has voted in favor of them. How is that change? In 2007 he even sponsored a $1 million earmark for a Chicago hospital. This was the very same hospital where his wife just happened to be employed as the vice president. Incidentally, his wife’s income suddenly jumped by almost $200,000 when Barack was elected as a U.S. Senator.
Recently, a political ad that revealed that Obama is closer to William Ayers, one of the founders of the Weather Underground and convicted Pentagon bomber i.e. terrorist, than Obama has admitted. What was Obama’s response to this ad? He reverted back to his first election and legal wrangling and filed a complaint with the Department of Justice. Notice that he didn’t file his complaint with the FCC for the ad being aired. Instead, he wanted somebody to be convicted for revealing that a terrorist helped launch his political career.
Obama hasn’t been held accountable for what little he has done since being elected as a U.S. Senator. He talks about raising taxes on the rich. Where’s the change in that? That’s the same Liberal rhetoric that we’ve been exposed to for decades. What’s different about Obama is that he isn’t content with simply raising taxes on the rich. Another little known fact about Senator Obama is that he has already voted for a tax increase on all those making $32,500 or more. Why hasn’t the media publicized his vote? Is this his version of “free” health care? While the liberals split the American public through class warfare to get elected they are trying to find ways to take from everybody. While people argue when the current financial crisis in this country will qualify as a recession Obama cast a vote to take more money from all Americans including those who he considers “the poor”.
On August 16, 2008 both presidential candidates attended a question & answer session hosted by the Saddleback Civil Forum. Obama was asked to define “rich”. He finally settled on $150,000 as being rich. He even went so far as to say that if you made less than $150,000 then you would see a tax cut under his presidency. I’m sure that most Americans would agree that is a reasonable figure. However, that’s not the only people Senator Obama voted to raise taxes on when he voted for a farm bill earlier in 2008. That farm bill contained the provision to raise taxes on all families with an income of $32,500 or more. Most people would consider $32,500 to be “the poor”. Obama promises us tax cuts while voting to increase our taxes.
He delivers elegant speeches that make his followers cry. He’s simply a snake-oil salesman, a charlatan counting on people to ignore his deeds and only listen to his words. He tells us that he’s for “change”, but he’s the same kind of politician that we’ve come to expect. He’s talking out of both sides of his mouth and people believe him. I’m not just talking about the typical gullible people either. I know some people that I think of as very intelligent that have bought into his message of “hope”.
Barack Obama has fooled the American public and become the presidential nominee for the Democrats. Before American voters who are ignorant of his past elect him he should be held accountable for his voting record and what he has and hasn’t done with the opportunities he’s been given thus far. Like Clinton his background is littered with scandals and convicted felons. Like the Clinton presidency an Obama presidency seems doomed to endless investigations and hiding behind presidential privilege. America has had enough of that.
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