Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Speller's Father Was A Terrorist

You may have heard the story about Kunal Sah. He’s the 13-year old boy in Green River, Utah who wants to win the Scripps National Spelling Bee to bring attention to his parents deportation to India. Kunal Sah has won the Utah spelling bee each of the last two years. The New York Times has done a story on this family along with several news outlets here in Utah. There has been a lot of editing regarding the facts of this family’s case. Does anybody know why the father’s application for political asylum was denied? The mainstream media has rarely reported the reasons why the father was deported. Here’s what I’ve been able to find out.

Kunal's father, Ken Sah, received a student visa in 1990 according to The Salt Lake Tribune. Just before that visa expired in 1991 he applied for political asylum. His first application was lost or somehow overlooked so he filed a second application for political asylum. It took 8 years for that application to be denied, but the Sah’s were using the date from the missing application. By their count it was just 3 weeks before the 10-year mark. For those who don’t know, if an application for political asylum isn’t processed within 10 years then it is automatically granted. Ken Sah spent the next 5 years filing appeals. During this whole time Ken Sah was permitted to stay in our country during his appeals process and those appeals finally ran out in 2006. It’s a touching story on the surface and one designed to garner sympathy for illegal aliens.

What the media isn’t reporting is why this upstanding man had his application denied when he just wanted to live the American dream. The answer is shocking. On his application for political asylum Ken Sah acknowledged being a member of Vishwa Hindu Parishad in India prior to coming to the United States. As a member of this organization he participated in riots to persecute non-Hindus and attempted to destroy their mosques. In short, Ken Sah was a member of a terrorist organization and he has manipulated our system to remain in our country for 16 years. During that time he married a woman from India and had a son who is now a U.S. citizen. He also bought motels, built a nice home and made a good living for himself and his family.

When the court finally did hear his appeal they found that his oral statements contradicted his written version and the court didn’t think he was credible. The court further found that Ken Sah didn’t qualify for political asylum because that status is intended for people who are being persecuted. It’s not intended for their tormentors. Here’s a link to the court’s decision.

Kunal Sah was eliminated from the Scripps National Spelling Bee on the first day because he didn’t score high enough on the written examination to advance to the next round.

Monday, May 21, 2007

An Open Letter to War Protestors and Bush Haters

I understand that you have the right to free speech and I support that right as much as I disagree with how you choose to exercise it. I also think that people who criticize the war and our commander-in-chief fail to recognize that with those rights comes a responsibility. That responsibility is understanding that words have consequences. One of the consequences of the anti-war or anti-Bush rhetoric is that it does have a negative impact on morale. How would you feel if you were deployed to Iraq and heard Harry Reid announce that the war was lost? Such a declaration indicates a conclusion to hostilities yet the incoming mortars still interrupt our sleep and the little enjoyment we get from a hot meal at the DFAC.

Since most of these critics of the war haven’t even been to Iraq our military finds itself fighting a war in Iraq and another war at home to inform our countrymen of the truth the mainstream media seems either incapable or unwilling to report.

I’ve heard how you refer to yourselves as patriots. Apparently, we differ on what constitutes a patriot. I know real patriots. I’ve been deployed with them and shared a tent with them. I’ve seen them homesick, covered in mud and somehow still able to crack a joke. I’ve seen them emerge from an incoming mortar attack with a smile when they realize they and their buddies survived another one. I’ve seen them volunteer at the base hospital and return as different men. To me, a true patriot takes action especially when that’s the unpopular thing to do. A patriot isn’t somebody who exercises his right to freedom of speech by objecting to taking action while enjoying the comfort of his living room. A patriot doesn’t protest and carry signs in the relative safety of our country while our military men and women are being attacked overseas. You’re no patriot and I doubt that you’ll ever know one. You see, its just human nature to congregate towards those whom we share common experiences with. The typical war protestor hasn’t been to Iraq or Afghanistan and the closest they’ve ever come to risking their life for something is attending a day after Thanksgiving Day sale. As frightening as that experience may have been for you it doesn’t compare to having somebody firing an RPG at you or trying to drop a mortar on your head. No sir, I won’t tell you to shut up. Instead, I’ll simply ask that you carefully consider the consequences of your words before you speak.

An OIF Vet

Friday, May 04, 2007

War Protestors

It seems the anti-war crowd is getting more and more attention these days. What makes these people tick? Is it because the candy-ass/guts ratio is too lopsided in these people? Is it because it’s easier to run their mouths about our own government than to actually take action against the terrorists? They’re big on mouth and low on guts. They’ll never take up arms to defend this country. Their idea of taking action is to carry some signs and march in our streets. They don’t know what its like to carry an M-16 and have mortars dropping around them. What I see when the protestors are shown on TV is a bunch of people that aren’t willing to stand up and defend their way of life. I see a bunch of people that aren’t willing to stand up to anything except George W. Bush and the only people willing to put their lives on the line to defend this country, our great military. The news calls them protestors, but when I see them another word comes to mind…Pussies.

They say that our military is full of people who have no other options. They claim our military is full of minorities, the poor and the intellectually deficient. I’ve got some news for John Kerry and Rosie O’Donnell. This nation hasn’t had a draft in over 30 years. We’ve been an all-voluntary force ever since. In our military an individual is judged based on their abilities as a soldier, sailor, airman or marine. Unlike the civilian society the liberals have created we aren’t judged on our skin tone. Not only does that not mean that we’re not held back because of our last name, skin color or gender, but it also means no affirmative action. No special treatment without having earned it. The best qualified rises to the top. We like it that way. We like knowing that our commanders were selected because they exhibited leadership qualities. Competent leadership tends to reduce casualties. My opinion of John Kerry and Rosie O’Donnell is that they should stick to what they’re good at. Kerry should concentrate on marrying rich widows and O’Donnell should do whatever she’s good at. The world is still waiting to see what that is.