Friday, October 30, 2009

Cash 4 Clunkers or the Stimulus Bill?

Now, the White House is claiming that 600,000 jobs were created or SAVED. That’s another first for President Obama. He’s the first president to ever claim to have “saved” jobs and count them as a victory. Economists don’t count “saved” jobs because there’s no criteria to measure saved jobs with. That’s just more fuzzy math being done by the Democrats to show that all of their excessive pork-barrel spending is producing something. If a President has to rely on a new category called “saved” jobs then the spending wasn’t worth it. Even if the spending had created 600,000 new jobs it could be argued that it wasn’t worth the trillions spent. The government could hire 600,000 additional people for less than $1 trillion.

We didn’t hear about this fuzzy logic from the mainstream media. Instead, it took a sharp reporter from the very same news channel that the White House has already tried to discredit. The reporter was Fox News’ Major Garrett and he caught Robert Gibbs, the White House Press Secretary, in a doozy of a lie. On October 29, 2009 Robert Gibbs credited the Cash 4 Clunkers program for increasing our domestic growth by 1.7% in the third quarter. Then at a White House press conference the very next day Robert Gibbs said that our economy grew by 3.5% in the third quarter. So far, the numbers add up until you hear what Gibbs’ credited with the entire 3.5% of growth. The stimulus bill! When Major Garrett reminded him of the previous day’s briefing Gibbs backtracked in his usual way and attempted to make Garrett appear as the dummy who couldn’t do simple addition and subtraction. Garrett’s numbers were dead on, but Gibbs stuck to his guns and looked all the dumber for having done so. Garrett asked Gibbs if he meant that the stimulus bill was responsible for what was leftover after subtracting the 1.7% credited to cash 4 clunkers the previous day. Gibbs said “no” and again reiterated that the stimulus bill was responsible for the entire growth of 3.5%. Robert Gibbs “here’s your sign!” as a famous comedian is fond of saying.

Robert Gibbs must be the dumbest White House Press Secretary ever. Robert Gibbs is the perfect example of what I call being a “victim of your own stupidity”. At least previous presidents were smart enough to surround themselves with smart people. Obama and Rahm Emanuel seem to have gone the opposite direction with Gibbs. Remember, this is the same man that suggested Obama’s DNA might satisfy the question of where he was born. Thankfully, Gibbs didn’t try to explain how that would work since the question wasn’t who Obama’s parents are.

I’ve watched Gibbs give several press conferences and I’m only impressed by his smugness while simultaneously demonstrating his stupidity. This man is representing not only Obama, but our nation. He is the person that the worldwide media gets their information from. Obama needs to replace Gibbs with somebody who can give a press conference without stepping on his d*ck. If they refuse to get rid of Gibbs then at least lock him in the john so somebody smart can give the press conference.

How did the rest of the White House press corps react after this exchange? “I need a cup of coffee.” Is one comment that I heard.

Another target of the White House over the cash 4 clunkers report was Edmunds. A long established authority on the automotive industry, Edmunds disputed that 1.7% was attributable to the cash 4 clunkers program. In fact, Edmunds suggested that 84% of the vehicles sold during the program would have been sold without the cash 4 clunkers program. Uh-oh, it looks like the White House has some “splaining to do”. With Robert Gibbs-like intelligence the White House attempted to fall back on smug sarcasm and make reference to cars being sold on Mars.

Way to go, Obama! Your White House press secretary is a reflection on you and yours happens to be an idiot. Here’s hoping you’ll wise up and hire somebody who can carry on a conversation without being an ass.

To Major Garrett, excellent job! If the rest of the media outlets followed your lead they might learn how to do their jobs instead of being the president’s “yes” men. Are you paying attention Helen Thomas? Where is that reporter that everybody used to hate for arguing with Tony Snow when he was the White House Press Secretary? Stop kissing Gibbs’ ass and be the cranky witch you used to be. America needs you.


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