Saturday, September 26, 2009

The situation that Americans find themselves in today is certainly unique to our country, but has been played out all across the globe in the past. Ineligibles have assumed power in other nations before and it could finally be happening in our country. The truth is that we don’t know for sure. The reason that we don’t know for sure is that Barack Obama refuses to release his original birth certificate. Everybody is aware of the “copy” that was posted on his website. If you haven’t seen it here it is again directly from his website.

To anybody paying attention this is quickly recognized as not being the original. Do we really need the word “LASER” in the bottom left corner to point that out to us? Not when the revision date says “11/01”. This revision was released in either November 2001 or 1901. Since Hawaii wasn’t a state in 1901 we know this revision couldn’t have been adopted in 1901. Further evidence is the political correctness displayed with the parents’ race. Political correctness hadn’t even been dreamed up in 1901. In 1901 the father’s race would more than likely said something like “black”, “Negro” or maybe even “colored” while the mother’s race would more than likely have said “white”. This form must have been adopted in 2001. Since Obama claims to have been born 40 years prior in 1961 this can’t be the original birth certificate.

Not too long ago another birth certificate was submitted to and accepted by a California court. This birth certificate is supposedly from Kenya and has rarely been mentioned by our national news yet it has been accepted as evidence by a court of law. Since few news agencies have reported on this birth certificate it’s unlikely to have been seen by many people compared to the certificate on Obama’s website so here is a copy of that birth certificate taken from World Net Daily.

Comparing the two documents we can tell that the one posted on the Obama website is computer generated further questioning its credibility. The document listing Obama’s place of birth as Kenya appears to be typewritten, as any document in 1961 would have been. This is obviously not a copy generated after November 2001. The truth is that we don’t really know when it was generated or where it came from. All that we know about this certificate is that it was submitted as evidence to a court of law by an attorney in California. Since attorneys aren’t known to be the most scrupulous people on the planet the origins of this document must be considered suspect.

Which of these two documents is correct regarding Obama’s place of birth? We just don’t know for sure. One document obviously is not an original while the other appears to be an original. The reason that we don’t know for sure which document is an original is because Barack Obama still refuses to release the original document. Despite numerous court cases where litigants have demanded the release of his original birth certificate Obama thus far has been successful in preventing it’s release.

Estimates are that Barack Obama has spent over $13. 5 million for his attorneys to fight these court cases to prevent the release of the document. Rather than release his original birth certificate Obama would rather spend over $13.5 million to prevent it’s release. The obvious question is “Why?” Why would a man spend an amount that most Americans will never make in their lifetimes just to keep a document secret? Since Obama was sworn in as our President we’ve witnessed him backtrack on several campaign promises so it’s highly unlikely that he is fighting the document’s release based on principle. This leads one to conclude that Barack Obama has something to hide and that he believes it to be so damaging to him that he feels it is worth spending over $13.5 million to keep the secret.

If he wants to spend his own money to keep the secret then that’s his business. Since Obama’s political action committee has merged with the Democratic National Committee it’s the money of his campaign contributors and the Democratic National Committee. I don’t think too highly of Democrats anyway so let them waste their political contributions on this sort of thing.
What I’m concerned about more than the politics, more than him taking over the banking industry, our auto industry, our healthcare system, the internet, etc. is far more dearer to my heart. Remember, my background is military and we’re currently at war. What ignites the fire within me about this whole situation is the possibility that somebody who may not even qualify to be our President according to the U.S. Constitution could be acting as our commander-in-chief. Obama is making decisions to send our military men & women into combat situations and he’s deciding how much equipment and funding to send them with. Even the “bush-haters” who said “supported the troops, oppose the war” should be fired up over this. They should be demanding the original birth certificate. Where are those people who claimed to be troop supporters? Where are those people that stood up and clapped for me and my brothers in arms in JFK airport when we returned from Iraq? I’ll tell you where they are. They’re turning a blind eye to the plight of our military men and women. They’re doing what they always do when action needs to be taken. They sit on their hands and wait for somebody else to do the ugly things that need doing. Dammit! You people make me sick! You candy-asses should be marched into the oceans to never be heard from again. I know some of our military people and I do my part to support them not just through my words, but through my actions as well. Although I’m retired from the military I still work side by side with them. By your silence and inaction you people have demonstrated once again that nothing means as much to you as your political views and you won’t set them aside for anything including another American life even an American life that has sworn to defend you and your freedoms. For their sacrifices our military people and their families deserve so much better than a silent populace waiting for the next handout from Obama and his ilk. They deserve so much better than those who will protest against their cause and ignore them when they need your voice. They deserve so much better than what the United States has become. They deserve so much better than you.


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