Friday, April 03, 2009

Spain Investigating Bush

Spain is investigating the Bush administration for war crimes. The amazing thing to me is that liberal Democrats are in favor of this. They have no idea what they’re really supporting and they can’t see the truth because of their pure hatred for Bush. Well, I’ve got a message for you lunatics that are supporting Spain in this effort.

If you people could just stow your emotions for a few seconds to actually think about what you’re praising Spain for then you might view it differently. This issue is much bigger than Bush and war crimes. Has anybody stopped to think of the legal issues this would raise? In the United States a person is innocent until proven guilty. Some European countries think just the opposite and the accused must prove their innocence. If Spain continues down this path and the United States cooperates then this sets a precedent for our government to ship United States citizens to European countries to be tried when the prosecution has a weak case. If our government can’t prove the guilt of the accused then just ship the accused off to a country where the accused must prove their innocence. This is lunacy and you people are supporting it simply because you don’t like Bush. Think of your nation and her citizens. You would hand over our sovereignty simply to get a conviction of Bush. Then who’s next? After Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Gonzalez have been tried then who? Where does it stop and will it stop at just war crimes? Whether you like Bush or not you can’t support United States citizens especially our leaders and elected officials being tried by other nations at their whim with our government’s cooperation. This is why even the Bush-haters should be condemning Spain for their actions. In this case, what's good for Bush is good for our country.


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