Wednesday, June 06, 2007

S.1348 - The Immigration Reform Bill

The recent incident of a U.S. citizen traveling to Europe for his honeymoon exploited a weakness in our national security. The citizen is named Andrew Speaker and is an attorney in Atlanta, Georgia. While in Rome Mr. Speaker was informed of the contagious nature of his disease, a rare form of tuberculosis. He eventually made it back into the United States even though his passport had been flagged.

Other than the obvious security issues this case presents it also plays into our current illegal alien problems. What would happen if one of the illegal aliens currently living in our country was infected with a contagious disease and attained legal status? Suddenly, this person could work legally and could be hired as a skycap at the international terminal at one of our major airports. He would have access to people from all over the world and his contagious disease could be spread across the planet in a matter of weeks.

Even if only assigned to a domestic terminal in one of our smaller airports he could infect a huge amount of our population especially during the holiday season. The smaller airports often send shuttles to our larger airports where people have connecting flights on all of the airlines to all different areas of the country and usually the world. Simply by infecting a small number of people this skycap could devastate our population. The same effect would be multiplied on the return flights just a week or two later, but now we would have the newly infected spreading their disease to all they come into contact with along with the skycap spreading his disease to new passengers.

The current immigration bill requires the heads of household to return to their home country to apply for citizenship, but they can leave their family in our country while they return home. We don’t know what diseases those illegals currently carry or may contract while traveling back and forth to their homeland. The current bill doesn’t require illegal aliens to pass medical exams before receiving legal status. It doesn’t require their family members to pass medical exams either. It’s seems totally idiotic to me that we would go to war to control a rogue nation’s supply of biological weapons, but we’ll grant legal residency to people from third world countries without making them pass a medical exam.

This scenario is pure fantasy, but could become reality if the current immigration bill becomes law. I oppose any legislation that could leave my country susceptible to being weakened or wiped out. The current immigration bill negotiated between the White House and members of the Senate leaves America vulnerable. Contact your Senator and let them know that you oppose this bill known as the immigration reform bill or S. 1348. You can call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to speak to your Senator. If you prefer to bypass the switchboard you can easily find your Senator and his or her direct office phone number here.