Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Will Obama Be Our Next President?

In no less than 15 states lawsuits have been filed demanding that Senator Barack Obama produce his authentic birth certificate. Lower courts have dismissed most of these cases. One case of note has made it all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

An attorney named Philip J. Berg from Pennsylvania filed suit and a lower Federal court dismissed it saying that he didn’t have standing. In fact, that judge said that the only people that could challenge a presidential candidates citizenship was the United States Congress.

Berg pushed his case to the U.S. Supreme Court. The long & short of this is that the outcome has yet to be decided. While the Supreme Court disagreed with some of Berg’s filings they sided with him enough for 4 of the justices led by Justice David Souter to order now President-elect Obama, the DNC and the Federal Elections Commission to produce the original vault copy of his birth certificate by December 1, 2008. That’s this Monday!

So far no news has been reported about a response from Obama, the DNC or the FEC. It’s unclear what the Supreme Court will do if Obama doesn’t produce the document. If the document is produced then Berg will be permitted to respond.

The reason this has become such a problem for Obama is because he has refused to produce the original document thus far. Hawaii permits American parents to register children born abroad as naturalized citizens and issues a certificate of live birth. However, naturalized citizens are not permitted to run for President of the United States. Only natural-born U.S. citizens can become our president. The copy of his certificate of live birth posted on his website doesn’t list the hospital he was born in or the doctor’s signature. It’s only an assumption that he was born in Hawaii because the certificate of live birth was issued there. Some of Obama’s relatives claim that they were present at his birth in Kenya. The only way to know Obama’s true birthplace is from his authentic birth certificate and he has refused to release it. With so many legal actions filed against him what motive could he possibly have for not producing the document and making all of these naysayers go away? His refusal to release the authentic document makes him look guilty. It suggests that Obama has something to hide. What exactly is he hiding?

The Electoral College is supposed to meet on December 13, 2008 to actually select our next President. It’s a common misperception that our votes select the president. Our votes typically tell our state leaders who our state would vote for then the winning party selects their electorates to send to the meeting of the electoral college to cast their votes in favor of the candidate that won that particular state. What if Obama’s name isn’t on the ballot for the Electoral College vote on December 13th?

Certainly, the Chief Justice wouldn’t deliver the oath of office to a man who has defied his court. In fact, the Supreme Court could decertify the results that declared Obama the winner. Should that happen what are the options for the American people?

If the Supreme Court declares Obama ineligible then Joe Biden couldn’t assume the Presidency because he didn’t run for the presidency. Biden ran as the vice-presidential candidate and is only supposed to assume the presidency should something happen to the President. If Obama is declared ineligible then Biden wouldn’t have a President to step in for.

If Obama isn’t eligible then it seems logical that the next eligible candidate with the most votes would be declared the winner of the presidential election. That would be Senator John McCain. The American voters spoke clearly when they voted for Obama. They chose the Democrat, but could end up with a Republican instead. If those supporting the Democrats in 2000 thought they had something to be bitter about before then just wait and see their reactions if Obama is disqualified. There is sure to be plenty of temper tantrums thrown all across this nation should that come to pass.