Saturday, September 26, 2009

The situation that Americans find themselves in today is certainly unique to our country, but has been played out all across the globe in the past. Ineligibles have assumed power in other nations before and it could finally be happening in our country. The truth is that we don’t know for sure. The reason that we don’t know for sure is that Barack Obama refuses to release his original birth certificate. Everybody is aware of the “copy” that was posted on his website. If you haven’t seen it here it is again directly from his website.

To anybody paying attention this is quickly recognized as not being the original. Do we really need the word “LASER” in the bottom left corner to point that out to us? Not when the revision date says “11/01”. This revision was released in either November 2001 or 1901. Since Hawaii wasn’t a state in 1901 we know this revision couldn’t have been adopted in 1901. Further evidence is the political correctness displayed with the parents’ race. Political correctness hadn’t even been dreamed up in 1901. In 1901 the father’s race would more than likely said something like “black”, “Negro” or maybe even “colored” while the mother’s race would more than likely have said “white”. This form must have been adopted in 2001. Since Obama claims to have been born 40 years prior in 1961 this can’t be the original birth certificate.

Not too long ago another birth certificate was submitted to and accepted by a California court. This birth certificate is supposedly from Kenya and has rarely been mentioned by our national news yet it has been accepted as evidence by a court of law. Since few news agencies have reported on this birth certificate it’s unlikely to have been seen by many people compared to the certificate on Obama’s website so here is a copy of that birth certificate taken from World Net Daily.

Comparing the two documents we can tell that the one posted on the Obama website is computer generated further questioning its credibility. The document listing Obama’s place of birth as Kenya appears to be typewritten, as any document in 1961 would have been. This is obviously not a copy generated after November 2001. The truth is that we don’t really know when it was generated or where it came from. All that we know about this certificate is that it was submitted as evidence to a court of law by an attorney in California. Since attorneys aren’t known to be the most scrupulous people on the planet the origins of this document must be considered suspect.

Which of these two documents is correct regarding Obama’s place of birth? We just don’t know for sure. One document obviously is not an original while the other appears to be an original. The reason that we don’t know for sure which document is an original is because Barack Obama still refuses to release the original document. Despite numerous court cases where litigants have demanded the release of his original birth certificate Obama thus far has been successful in preventing it’s release.

Estimates are that Barack Obama has spent over $13. 5 million for his attorneys to fight these court cases to prevent the release of the document. Rather than release his original birth certificate Obama would rather spend over $13.5 million to prevent it’s release. The obvious question is “Why?” Why would a man spend an amount that most Americans will never make in their lifetimes just to keep a document secret? Since Obama was sworn in as our President we’ve witnessed him backtrack on several campaign promises so it’s highly unlikely that he is fighting the document’s release based on principle. This leads one to conclude that Barack Obama has something to hide and that he believes it to be so damaging to him that he feels it is worth spending over $13.5 million to keep the secret.

If he wants to spend his own money to keep the secret then that’s his business. Since Obama’s political action committee has merged with the Democratic National Committee it’s the money of his campaign contributors and the Democratic National Committee. I don’t think too highly of Democrats anyway so let them waste their political contributions on this sort of thing.
What I’m concerned about more than the politics, more than him taking over the banking industry, our auto industry, our healthcare system, the internet, etc. is far more dearer to my heart. Remember, my background is military and we’re currently at war. What ignites the fire within me about this whole situation is the possibility that somebody who may not even qualify to be our President according to the U.S. Constitution could be acting as our commander-in-chief. Obama is making decisions to send our military men & women into combat situations and he’s deciding how much equipment and funding to send them with. Even the “bush-haters” who said “supported the troops, oppose the war” should be fired up over this. They should be demanding the original birth certificate. Where are those people who claimed to be troop supporters? Where are those people that stood up and clapped for me and my brothers in arms in JFK airport when we returned from Iraq? I’ll tell you where they are. They’re turning a blind eye to the plight of our military men and women. They’re doing what they always do when action needs to be taken. They sit on their hands and wait for somebody else to do the ugly things that need doing. Dammit! You people make me sick! You candy-asses should be marched into the oceans to never be heard from again. I know some of our military people and I do my part to support them not just through my words, but through my actions as well. Although I’m retired from the military I still work side by side with them. By your silence and inaction you people have demonstrated once again that nothing means as much to you as your political views and you won’t set them aside for anything including another American life even an American life that has sworn to defend you and your freedoms. For their sacrifices our military people and their families deserve so much better than a silent populace waiting for the next handout from Obama and his ilk. They deserve so much better than those who will protest against their cause and ignore them when they need your voice. They deserve so much better than what the United States has become. They deserve so much better than you.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Racism In Politics

I’m fed up with race bating and the false allegations of racism. All Americans should feel the same way. I’m talking about this whole racism thing being tossed around because of legitimate criticism of political ideals. Since when did it become racist to have a different opinion? Is this what we’re to expect simply because we have a part black president? What should we expect when we get our first full—blooded black president? Will charges of sexist be thrown about when we get our first female president?

We saw the racism during the Presidential primaries when Obama’s supporters accused Hillary and Bill of being racist. That accusation was rooted not in genuine racism, but in the inability of the Obama camp to come up with a counter-argument when Bill Clinton pointed out "Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in '84 and '88. Jackson ran a good campaign. And Obama ran a good campaign here." Bill’s point was that despite winning that state’s primary Jackson still didn’t get his party’s nomination. He was pointing out that one state doesn’t seal up a nomination. It had nothing to do with race, but “racism” was tossed out there as a trump card to divert people’s attention from the fact that Bill Clinton was right. It’s a historical fact and that doesn’t make a person a racist because Jesse Jackson just happens to be black.

I can think of one instance when citing the example of Jesse Jackson would make a person a racist. That would be those people that can’t seem to get over the fact that Jesse Jackson is black and that Barack Obama is part black. Of all of the criticism I’ve heard of Obama and his plan not one of them was based on race. So if his critics aren’t the ones bringing up his race then who is?

Let’s take Janeane Garofalo as an example. When the TEA parties were forming all across our nation the comedic genius and social idiot Ms. Garofalo referred to the protesters as “teabaggers” and “racist rednecks”. (A side note for the uninitiated, “teabagging” is a sex act where the scrotum is dunked into another person’s mouth. No doubt Ms. Garofalo knows this and purposely chose “teabagger” to describe those people gutsy enough to protest against higher taxes and the increasing deficit of our Federal government.) Again, it was the Obama supporter who brought up his race as a talking point. For those who don’t understand the significance of TEA it is an acronym for “Taxed Enough Already”. The protestors were protesting the excessive spending of the politicians in Washington D.C. I’m still waiting for Ms. Garofalo to explain how exorbitant spending is related to a person’s skin tone. Maybe she’s suggesting that Obama is too stupid to balance a checkbook because of his race. If that’s her point then who really is the racist? Ms. Garofalo needs to interrogate the person in the mirror and face the truth.

The latest person to claim racism is former President Jimmy Carter. He’s another fine example of what Democrats think America should be. Jimmy Carter was elected as our 39th President in 1976. I still remember his campaign ads about him being a peanut farmer from Georgia. He was swept into office on the heels of a Gerald Ford presidency that was tied to the failed Nixon Presidency. At that point people were looking for anything to replace the corruption responsible for the Watergate scandal. Jimmy Carter presided over the worst recession this nation has seen since the great depression. Today’s recession is nothing compared to what was experienced during the Carter administration. There were lines for gasoline that wrapped around the block. It’s during the Carter administration that Iran became a household word in America. Iranian students stormed our embassy and took Americans hostage. They were held hostage for over a year for the duration of the Carter presidency. The nightly news kept the tally of how long American citizens had been held. The hostages weren’t released until Ronald Reagan was elected and prepared to take his oath of office. No other President has ever allowed the United States to be so disgraced as Jimmy Carter did. In recent years Jimmy Carter has written a book critical of Israel and sympathetic to the Palestinians. Remember, the Palestinians keep sending suicide bombers into Israel to blow up the civilian population. I believe that Jimmy Carter still harbors some guilt for what he put our nation through when he was our President. I think that’s why he was so involved with Habitat For Humanity and why he has recently gone rogue and tried to make himself a mediator in foreign affairs. He has done this on his own and against the advice of current Presidents. It could be argued that Jimmy Carter has been on the wrong side of every issue he’s spoken out on for over 30 years. So, it should come as no surprise that when Representative Joe Wilson yelled “You Lie!” during President Obama’s speech to a joint session of Congress Jimmy Carter interpreted this to be “You Lie, boy!” and yelled “racism!” The term “boy” is still considered a racist term when used by a white person towards a black man.

Since Democrats seem to pay so much attention to skin color rather than a person’s words and actions it could reasonably be argued that Democrats look at Americans and see color. This could easily lead to the conclusion that Democrats are racists. I’ve spent enough time in family courts to realize a common pattern of human behavior. That pattern is this; the first person to make an allegation of cheating is usually the guilty party. Given my previous examples I think the Democrats regarding charges of racism have established the same pattern.

I grew up in a military family and retired from the military myself. The military is probably the best institution for combating racism. It wasn’t always that way, but we’ve come a long way since WWII. These days it doesn’t matter what gender or race an individual is they can still reach the top of their profession in the military. I don’t care what race or color our president is. I simply disagree with his philosophy. If he were a conservative I might consider having a beer with him

I dislike President Obama because he seems to believe just the opposite of everything I believe. I think that teaching a man to be self-sufficient teaches him to provide for himself everyday, but Barack Obama would prefer to take money from those who have it and simply give it to those who don’t without regard for who earned it or even considering how the poor man would get more money when his stimulus, welfare or unemployment check ran out. To me, this victimizes the poor man by interrupting his efforts to better his life and by providing him with false hope. I dislike Obama’s policies because he doesn’t care to fix our nation’s problems in the long term. He seems content to just pass out money and put off the problems for another day. It’s my belief that our government can’t sustain these handouts without increasing its own revenue. The way a government collects revenue is through taxes. The huge deficits that Obama is racking up will have to be reconciled someday and by that time they’ll have accrued large amounts of interest. The Democrats show no signs of slowing down either. They’ve been pushing their version of health care reform despite protests and rallies in opposition. This past weekend saw a huge rally in the National Mall in Washington D.C. that opposed Obama’s healthcare reform. Some estimates were as high 1 million people in attendance. Add in the smaller protests at the same time that took place at state capitols all around the country and there’s a huge movement that opposes Obama’s policies. Are we to believe all of these people are simply racist and don’t like a good idea just because it’s being pushed by a black man?

Obama has also made it known that he’s going to pursue his cap & trade bill right after healthcare reform is over. With millions of jobs having been lost since Obama took office how does he intend to pay for any of this? Even China has declined to loan us more money.
The Democrats, Jeneane Garofalos and Jimmy Carters of the world need to look at themselves in the mirror and come up with a better argument than “racist” because from what I hear Americans are tired of this over-used trump card being thrown out to stifle debate. In the end their party is the one that keeps reminding us that our president is black and it will be that constant reminder that will cause American voters to think twice the next time a minority runs for President because they’ll be reminded of not just the failures of the current administration, but the ugly false allegations being levied against those who oppose his ideas. Americans will not want to return to such a racially charged political atmosphere again. While Democrats claim to be the party of the common man, minorities, the poor, etc. they have a history of being the last to concede equal rights to minorities. Few people remember that Bull Connor was a Democrat and so were the founders of the Ku Klux Klan. The Democrats aren’t as open about it these days, but they’re doing just as much damage as those idiots wearing the bed sheets and dunce caps did so many generations ago.